The No No’s of the Doggy Diet

Since we all want to take care of our little Four-legged furry members of our family and have them around for a long time. You may not know what you can and cannot give to your sweet furry baby.

Sometimes they also like to find their way into our food though. This can be deadly to them if you just so happened to have something that can’t be eaten. This Article will go over some of the things that dogs are not able to have so that you can be on guard a little more.

This article will tell you about what foods are not good for your furry family member. Since there are so many things out there that are not good for them, it’s better to know what it is that is poisonous to them.

Depending on what they ingest the symptoms may differ, but the most common symptoms are Neurological and/ or Gastrointestinal Symptoms. If you start to see your dog showing these signs it is better to Immediately get them to the Emergency Veterinary Clinic.

The Foods that have been found to contain natural chemicals that are harmful to dogs and will need to be kept away from our sweet furry babies.

Starting with Fruits you need to look out for…

Containing Persin, the Avocado will cause Vomiting and Diarrhea and can cause Obstruction of the Intestine. Because of the high fat content, it can also cause Pancreatitis.

Causing Kidney Failure, the Raisins and Grapes are Highly Toxic to the dogs.

If they are red and ripe the Tomato should be fine, the green part however contains Solanine that is Toxic for them.

Cherries containing Cyanide that kills the tissues thus making it difficult to get oxygen.

Also containing Cyanide, which is Poisonous, the Apricot can prevent the poor four-legged baby from getting enough oxygen. With the Lack of Oxygen that can make the person have Trouble with their Breathing, they can have Shock, and it can even cause Death.

The plant itself is also filled with Cyanide from its Seeds to its Stem, and Leaves. So, it maybe, better if you don’t grow this plant in your yard, if you have or plan to have a dog.

The Starfruit that some people are so fond of, just so happens to have Soluble Calcium Oxalate. This can not only poison dogs but other animals as well. The signs for a dog however are Lack of Energy/ Weakness, Drooling, Loss of Appetite, Vomiting, Bloodin Urine, and Diarrhea.

Next, we move on to some Vegetables…

Causing Anemia, the Onion, Chives, Leeks, and Garlic all contain those Red Blood Cell damaging compounds. This goes for the other types as well like the powder and flakes.

Containing Soluble Oxalate Crystals in large quantities, the Rhubarb can cause the dogs Kidneys to Fail.

These Drinks and Sugar Replacements are also no good…

Containing Xylitol, the Sugar Replacement that are found in low-calorie and sugar free but can cause Severe Illness or Death. So if you are trying to give your dog some fresher breath try to give them something meant for pets and don’t give them Gum, Candy or Mints.

Xylitol is able to cause Liver Failure, Seizures, Low Blood Sugar, and Death. The Flavored Waters that make our water taste also contain Xylitol.

Energy and Sports Drinks can cause Abnormal Heart Rhythms, Tremors, Diarrhea, Seizures, and Vomiting, Containing Xylitol and Caffeine.

Even if your dog may be attracted to an Alcohol beverage. It can mess with their Central Nervous System. Causing Diarrhea, Vomiting, Drooling, Decreased Coordination, and Depression, Coma, Death, Tremors, Weakness, Difficulty Breathing, and they may even Collapse.

There are also some other random foods that are found around the house…

Peanut Butters and other Nut Butters that will also contain Xylitol.

Ice Cream and Milkcontains Lactose, and this is not something that your dog can process. Thus, causing Digestive Issues along with Gas, Diarrhea, Pancreatitis, Stomach Pain, and Vomiting. This item also contains the artificial sweetener Xylitol.

Chocolate contains Caffeine and Theobromine; this can cause problems in the Central Nervous System and Heart Problems. Theobromine had also been found to be higher the darker the chocolate is. It also contains Xylitol.

Baked Goods have many things that can harm the little fuzzball. Things like Xylitol, Chocolate, and Caffeine.

For a midsize dog the Macadamia Nut can cause Tremors, Vomiting, Depression, Hyperthermia, and Weakness.

Too much Salt can lead to Loss of Coordination, Energy and Appetite, Vomiting, Diarrhea, and an obvious increase in of Thirst followed by an increase in Urination.

If you are feeling guilty about some food going to waste, you still need to throw away the old Moldy Food. Because it can produce Toxic Substances that can cause Tremors, Liver Failure, Lack of Coordination, Irregular Heartbeat, Vomiting, Seizures, and even Death.

Your dog may like what you toss and want to eat it. If they go after the old food from your trash and get to Moldy Food this would not be good. So, it would be better for you to keep your dog away from the trashcan and keep it firmly closed up tight, so that the sweet baby can stay safe and keep them around for as long as you can.

Not even the things that you would think are fine are good for dogs…

With Undercooked or Raw Meat containing Salmonella, Listeria, and E. coli and other Bacteria.

Bones have been found to cause more damage than good for your four-legged baby. It can cause Injuries to the Mouth and Tongue, cause Broken Teeth, Diarrhea, Choking and Vomiting. There are also things like Injuries to the Lower Jaw, Stomach, Intestines, and Rectum, Gastrointestinal- GI- Tract Bleeding and Blockages. Raw Bones have also been known to cause Illnesses because of the Bacteria.

Since the Bones are off limits for the fussy baby there are substitutes in the form of toys.

In Conclusion of the article, you have just read. The things that you need to keep an eye out for if you suspect if your furry baby has been poisoned are the Loss of Appetite, Coordination, and Unsteadiness, Hyperactivity, Seizures, Tremors, Diarrhea, Bloody Stool/ Urine, and Lethargy.

If you suspect that your dog has been poisoned, again, please take them to get checked out at an Emergency Veterinary Clinic as soon as possible. The following websites were where I got some of my information from and will be able to answer some more questions that you may have.




Moldy Food Are Toxic To Dogs | Pet Poison Helpline®

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